Tag Archive for Space Science

Juggling Work and Life


There are three objects rotating around a center point, sitting a good distance away from three other objects rotating around a different center point. This proof is to calculate exactly the force, velocity, distance, and time necessary to move one… Read more…

Mutants Welcome v. C


Right now, I’m trying to build a Nuka Cola & Cryo Cream “Floats” Space Bar in Bethesda‘s Fallout 4 Workshop \ Creation Club Mod System, as obtainable, and giftable, through the Steam ( https://www.steampowered.com ) web portal. Pictured: Steam Client… Read more…

Alien Invasions On Primordial Planet Earth

red eyed white grub in black fertile dirt

There once was a land of white sky, gray tree, and black earth. The two white folk dug in the black earth with a grey trowel and found a scary magenta worm. One of the folk cut the worm in… Read more…