Tag Archive for Pro-Tip

Happy Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas And A Very Happy New Year To You From RenMuse


Remember, the more time you spend thinking about the past and the future, the less time you spend living in the present. Make your actions apply to the present and achieve your goals and actualize your history for yourself. Don’t… Read more…

Deaths In The Halls Of “Higher” Education

The University of Texas Tower

The old maxim, “Know your enemy”, falls flat when the act of learning casts suspicion on the student. I studied Japanese and Arabic, two cultural groups with low prestige that come under suspicion by cons in the US, and found… Read more…

Efficiency In Web Browsing

The More You Know

People who look at porn and violent media and drugs and other illegal content online are often prone to deleting their browsing histories and knocking out the web browser’s stored cache of valuable data on a regular basis. This may… Read more…

At A Loss for Words


Pro Tip: The more basic an idea, the longer it’s written and spoken word symbol should be. Naturally, learning is formed from making basic ideas into complex ones. Like basic sounds into complex sounds, and sounds into written words. At… Read more…

The Art of The Videogame of War


Professional military advice: When you are under fire by siege weapons in a video game, make an effort to move all of your own ranged units back into an attack formation upon the offending units in projectile activity, so as… Read more…

EU Fanfic > Paraphrasing


Expanding upon a subject is always looked upon more fondly than paraphrasing a topic. The force of rational communication of thought needs to be rebalanced in favor of excess.

Keep It Going Full Steam

Hidden Markov Model

Always give the ability to give birth to the baby you give birth to.

“I Sense A Soul In Search Of Answers”


I’m trying to get pageclicks on my website from Diablo 3 Redditors by offering a thousand gold per visit. Don’t like reddit? Make a login here on this website. No takers so far. Blizzard is externally very phobia-induced by outside… Read more…

Suggested Searching —>


Suggested Searching —> Suggested Listening Suggested Reading —> Post Tags

Navigation Halp!


If this page renders the wrong size on your browser, or you’d like to avoid the tags, feel free to hold down the control button and scroll up or down with your mousewheel to fix it, or alternatively, change your… Read more…

“Be Excellent to Each Other”

Chemical Order and Entropy

Always keep cause and effect in mind so that you can ensure the best effect. Always keep roots of thought in mind so that you can determine the best elements of reality to rearrange in order to produce desired causes… Read more…

Corporate Whore, Beware


Never complain that you want ALL advertisements taken away if you get advertised at by a group that contains some BAD advertisers. All the good people, the nice guys who will cooperate, are probably people you would WANT to do… Read more…

Now Don’t Start That Again


When counting pennies, it is fastest to put the uncounted pennies in a pile, and use your index and middle finger to pull two pennies aside at a time into a new pile, while reciting the two’s table. Ambidextrous people… Read more…

Fresh Meat


Now doing decent damage in Torment II difficulty. After I found that KKK-looking helm, called Crown of the Primus, with all runes unlocked for the wizard’s slow time ability, and transmuted it to look more acceptable (Immortal King helm rules),… Read more…

Me First and the Gimme Gimmes


Economic spending is oftentimes more effective if purchasers spend money on what smart people are spending money on. This leads to short-term gains in consumer’s living situations, as good, well-researched, luxury products reach the market. Taken to its extreme, though,… Read more…

Current Events: Media Dearth (NSFW)


If you’re unsatisfied with your video download options, try downloading additional media players and codecs, like DivX, VideoLan’s VLC player, the K-Lite package (R.I.P Kazaa), and Matroska. It might open up new media for your perusal. If a movie seems… Read more…

Not Too Friendly, but Technically Correct Speech

Hitler Speaking Technique

I don’t favor public speakers that use excessive amounts of ingressive speech patterns in their dialogues. Ingressive speech is all about the production of sound while sucking the vocal medium (usually air) INTO the lungs. It’s a good tactic for… Read more…

I Found A Shady Place to Sit


When talking about how we are doing, more commonly than not, a busily worn out person will report that they are “depressed”. This perpetuates a linguistic indistinction between depression (a lack of overt external pressure, leading to despondence) and oppression… Read more…

Medical-Psychiatric Myth, Bagged and Tagged (Medley)

Quack Doctor

Turn off  Audio Description (AD) on your TV if you get the impression that it is talking to you or following your thoughts or actions. It’s a free and sometimes automatic service for visually impaired viewers that follows their moves… Read more…

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

Swiss Cheese

If someone were to harvest all of the resource from a field, I expect they would begin consuming stock at a place far away from their commanding area while moving towards it, to make it easier to transport the gathered… Read more…

Here I Sit, So Broken-Hearted…


Proposing a spelling and pronunciation destinctivization between ecoli and ecological, so people don’t obsess over doodoo, which harbors ecoli in bulk, when worrying about the environment. Yes, we know the bacteria is colonial in nature. No we don’t want to be… Read more…

Depressant of the Masses


Once, fear and violence and pleasure were used to control populations. Loneliness is a far stronger control mechanism. Without other people, our lives are meaningless. Social bonds are all we have to rely on in times of hardship and loss…. Read more…

Splitting the Difference

Antennae TV

If (If (-x) then loss) then (complement(-x) = gain), when you hold gains as a constraint, sometimes. Remember, even if you don’t see eye to eye with the messages in your media, you can usually fill in the blanks with your own positive ideas… Read more…

Neighborhood Stimulus

Dollar Bills

The only way to escape the current high prices and spiraling unemployment caused by increased population is for businesses to hire above their expected needs for labor, allowing more liquid assets to be distributed into the local environment to counteract… Read more…

Infixed It!

Quotation Marks

Infixing is the term for the insertion of semantic morphemes within words, with, “Fanfuckingtastic,” “Absofuckinglutely,” and, “Unfuckingbelievable,” being three of the only instances of this rare phenomenon that have been documented in the English language. When dealing with multiple versions of a story, as being related… Read more…

Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me

Rolling Stones – Tongue

Recommending usage of the standard placeholder word “zerp” for when there’s a word on the tip of your tongue that you can’t remember and are unwilling to slow the conversation to await the recollection of, in order to avoid long-winded… Read more…

A Mathematical Deconstruction of Friendship

Venn Diagram

You: (A), me: (B), us: (A) ∪ (B), we: ((A) = (B)) & ((A) ∪ (B)), it’s getting weird: (((A) = (B)) & ((B) = (A))) & ((A) ∪ (B)), fate to be determined: (((A) = (B)) & ((B) = (A))) & (((A) ∪ (B))… Read more…