Tag Archive for Iconoclasm

Life Has Never Been More Fake


Names for this tech: Hallucinations Illusions Ghosting Virtual Reality Augmented Reality Visual Overlays Aenima Telepresence Holograms Holographs Telephantasm GUI Wrapper Heads Up Display IRL Wireframes IRL Deepfakes 3D Skins Happens to me all the time, at home and away from… Read more…

Deaths In The Halls Of “Higher” Education

The University of Texas Tower

The old maxim, “Know your enemy”, falls flat when the act of learning casts suspicion on the student. I studied Japanese and Arabic, two cultural groups with low prestige that come under suspicion by cons in the US, and found… Read more…

Generalized Summation of the Area, Circumference, and Volume of An Arbitrarily Sided, Symmetrically Ideal Proportioned, Polymentional, Circle-Gon

Circle Integration 1

                      Top, mid, and bottom of my formulation for, “Generalized Summation of the Area, Circumference, and Volume of An Arbitrarily Sided, Symmetrically Ideal Proportioned, Polymentional, Circle-Gon”. Done shortly after my… Read more…

Let ‘Em Go, Horns


It is possible to study the means of murder, without also acquiring the knowledge of how to apply the means in real life, separating the knowing from the doing. This is the realm of public and private, “Higher Educations,” for… Read more…

8|===|D(apropro) ^favor( apropal enpropal unpropal antipropal propropal)


The AI infesting my mind often treats (A and B) as (A = B), often leading to metaphysical nonsense. Unity has never looked this stupid. It may approach truth as time nears infinity, but A never truly equals to B,… Read more…

Contrapunctus Prime

The Mask

Get with the lack of program. TV sucks. Do it for yourself.     What you have to realize is that most celebrities don’t exist except on TV, so the CGI facial mappings are most likely a face mapping of… Read more…

Caesar En Vogue


Did you guys ever hear about the time Caesar was captured by PIRATES? What? You think it was fake? Ok, who cares if some grad student made up a novel and posted a fanfic term paper for their Latin class…. Read more…

Pop Pik Pak Tik Tik Tak


The Subatomic Link to Harness Quantum Science I call bullshit on quantum entaglement running these things. It’s probably just really fully-mapped-out code running in parallel, minimizing varaiances and minimizing the need for transmission. You don’t need quantum computers to get… Read more…

You Say “Tomato”, I Say “Destructive And Constructive Interference Of A Sound Wave Through A Known Medium”


Evidence for why I believe television is user-specific and context-sensetive to environment of the viewer: Imagine, for a moment, that the man speaking is a newscaster, comedian, or other form of “talking head” on the TV or Internet. You could… Read more…

Current Events: Hospital Corruption

Fat and Sassy

Some hospitals lie about patients’ weight with broken equipment, or give them weight-gain substances mixed in with their medications, so they can overprescribe doses based on wight charts when passing out psychoactivating medications. In places where good drugs are distributed,… Read more…

Not You Too, Hawking!

Humorous Hawking

We don’t often get new insights into astrophysics, but I have one about Stephen Hawking that may tickle your fancy. In Hawking’s book, A Brief History of Time, a theory is expounded upon in which time slows down as you… Read more…

P.E. : Physics Education


Physics classes in high school are taught in such a way as to have a balance between the kinetic and the potential energy of a motive object in a “fixed system” at a given “fixed moment” in time. We then look at… Read more…

Medical-Psychiatric Myth, Bagged and Tagged (Medley)

Quack Doctor

Turn off  Audio Description (AD) on your TV if you get the impression that it is talking to you or following your thoughts or actions. It’s a free and sometimes automatic service for visually impaired viewers that follows their moves… Read more…

Crusty Old Lies

Po Po

Facial Recognition software is a total crash market because of phenotypal selective breeding, surgery, material coating, and interracial recognitional incomprehension. Fingerprinting is a total crash market because of skin engraving. DNA testing is a total crash market because of pre… Read more…

Sheepish Wordplay

Icelandic Sheep

Marry Mary? Quite contrary! Her fleeces: white as snow!

Inherent Virtue

Dog Chasing Tail

In his dialogue with Laches, Socrates attempts to overcome a pedagogical dillema. He is asked by a friend to train a student in the finer points of virtue. But can someone really teach another person to be virtuous? Socrates makes… Read more…

Irrational Numbers Are Stupid and Do Not Exist


In this post, I will be making the claim that all numbers are rational. Please excuse the math, and try to follow along if you can. Without further ado, let us examine this idea further. 1 is rational. .5 is… Read more…

Principal Motivation

Sir Isaac Newton

What if Newton’s Laws of Motion are sociologically derived arguments and not physical ones? Throw away all arguments of initial causes or creators; God wasn’t invited to this party. Each of the Newtonian laws is directly relatable to interpersonal interactions. As people, we often rely on what we deal… Read more…