Tag Archive for Food

Delicious New Product

Michelangelo Flying Spaghetti Monster

Here is a video of THE PASTAFARIAN. To allay the disgruntlement of those shamed by the censored nude form, the recipe for The Pastafarian is as follows: Ingredients – Boiling water filled with Middle Eastern medium grain rice, Far Eastern… Read more…

Speckled Eggs on Toast, What a Post!


Speckled Egg: Egg, salt, oil, pepper, thyme, marjoram, sage, fennel, honey-glazed shallot and sesame. The shallot is pressed with a rolling pin, dropped in the pan, drizzled with honey, and sprinkled with sesame. Tasted figgy. You prefer sweetb reads to… Read more…

Ice-Cream-Blended Fingertips, And Yet The Show Must Go On! (In Lieu of Lava Lamps)


  Finally, a place where cusp overripe food can shine with it’s softness and sweetness. Starbucks-style graciousness to this ancient feast of dearth we call, “food.”   A seasonal recipe that you should jump on right away. Probably bad cinnamon… Read more…

Mine Deiery Queen

Cheese Bouquet

Oh, whence the spicy-peppered cremes and cheeses? Blue Belle…A sad, “Sad loneley southern woman’s name” name for a sad product. Give the children pickles and peppers and cooking herbs in their sno-cones so that they might learn another way. Whither… Read more…

…And Now for Something Eggs-plicitly Different

God-Tier Curry

Papaya Curry prepared in a wok with a variety of ingredients. Contents include grilled papaya strips, rough-cut tomatoes, soba soup stock, mushroom creme, coconut milk, side-cut carrots, cubed potatoes, mushroom slices, whole cashews, chili powder, black, red & white peppercorns,… Read more…

The Highest Sky Pie

Peace Symbol

What is a gun? I define it as a handheld, metallic, bored, bullet-projecting device constructed for the pupose of maiming and killing living things. By that definition, is a gun a gun without bullets? The answer is no, as its… Read more…

Screenplay: Absolute Value

Absolute Value

In the beginning… Some people say Money is Power. Everybody says Time is Money, but Math is Money, too, baby. There are even some people who say E equals m c squared, a relation between the energy in a given… Read more…