Tag Archive for Advertising

A Summary of Virtue and Piety

Wall Clock

He who impresses his will upon the past by viewing recorded history and allowing it to shape his decisions and selects interventions from and upon it determines the content of the present day. He who thinks of the future and… Read more…

x% off


Marketal Advertisement Rule: [x% off]= [[[x]*[[0]/[0]]] off]= [[0] off]= [[x]-[0]]= [Full Price] Mathematical Algebrant Rule: [x% off] = [[[Price]-[[Price]*[[x]/[100]]]]where[[ [[0]<[x]<[100]] ]] Langual Writing Rule: [x% off] = [[Price minus x per cent] where [[[[price] is [amount to be passed from… Read more…

Corporate Whore, Beware


Never complain that you want ALL advertisements taken away if you get advertised at by a group that contains some BAD advertisers. All the good people, the nice guys who will cooperate, are probably people you would WANT to do… Read more…