Always keep cause and effect in mind so that you can ensure the best effect. Always keep roots of thought in mind so that you can determine the best elements of reality to rearrange in order to produce desired causes… Read more…
Archive for Abdullah Hamad
Show Thyself, and to Thine Own Self Be True
bool thereIsNoGod = 1; for(int i=0, int j=0, i<infinity && j<infinity) { print “There is no god.” while (thereIsNoGod) { print “There is no God! Enter 1 if this is true. Enter 0 if this is false.” cin thereIsNoGod; if… Read more…
Goodbye Moto
[Autonomous] is the root word resulting in the commonly used construction [Automated]. The ( (antonym) / (synonym) ) of [Automated] is: (([Manufactured] – [Auto construction]), ([Manufactured] – [Reproducible], [Reproducible]-[Manufactured], [Reproducible]-[Auto Construction], [Auto Construction]-[Reproducible]) / ([Machine] + [Repetetive] + [Construction]). I… Read more…
For Rent: Temporary Use of High Bandwidth Tube
In terms of data density used to generate this message for you, this post is just a pallet of bits that was rotated and geometrically translated in a highly organized particle/wave fashion, in order to to send you this EXACT… Read more…
Just Leave Me Out Of It
When you’re living in the future, the future is continuously and completely fucked due to the loss of people living in the present. Without a foundation of will, action, and thought to make things livable for our species, the future… Read more…
Imagination is the Armor of the Soul
When divining the contents of someone’s soul through curious imagination, fearful worry, infatuated love, or fantasy of any kind, really, it is always a lie. Never put words in someones mouth, or assume that your beliefs describe their mortal will. No two… Read more…
Look, It’s a Bowl of Dicks!
Sexism is not sex. While repetatively sexual advances towards a single person or group against their wishes may constitute sexual harassment upon an unwilling party, in general, voicing sexual ideas and needs should be more readily acceptable. Being openly sexual… Read more…
Corporate Whore, Beware
Never complain that you want ALL advertisements taken away if you get advertised at by a group that contains some BAD advertisers. All the good people, the nice guys who will cooperate, are probably people you would WANT to do… Read more…
The Grass on the Other Side
The Arabic language has signifier grammer for number. That means you can tell from the affix whether a word is representing ONE, TWO, or MANY objects. There is even affix grammar to describe whether an object is male or female,… Read more…
I Hope I Wake Up After This
I just woke up from another round of lucid dreaming. I had a nightmare that I was blind, waking up in my bed over and over again, and stumbling blindly to find the door, but failing, because it was too… Read more…
I Am Rubber, You Are Glue, Bounces Off Me, Sticks To You
Mix and match my two greatest discoveries in geometry to learn what the next greatest step in mathematics will be:…/ (+)…/ (=) O OO OOO OOOO OOOOO OOOO OOO OO O Essentially, the emergence of multiple nodes in… Read more…
I Got My Marbles Back
Step One: Give everyone a marble. Step Two: Start a gigantic game of Gille. How To Play Abdullah Hamad’s Version of Gille For a playfield, use a shallow hemispherical bowl (non-parabolic) divided into four equal quadrants. Each player starts in… Read more…
Through social constructs on the internet, the masses have made the distribution of social contact and communication more efficient, allowing many conversations to be held instead of few in a given amount of time. We don’t even have to travel… Read more…
Mighty is the Swarm
Peityr hovered just above the base of his seat. An intricate network of buckles, straps, wires, and belts was the only thing that kept him from floating away. The nausea and restlessness was immense in zero gravity, so much so,… Read more…
Opportunity Rings the Doorbell and Runs Away
America: “The land of opportunity!” Just remember – your very livelihood is someone else’s opportunity, since each citizen is supported to the same basic extent by the government, and all further changes of fortune that happen after that point are… Read more…
Virtually Naked
Let’s all just admit that the P in VPN stands for Public, not Private. I am worried, once more, about my computer’s secret, background-VPN-passthrough. You know – The one that ensures that everything I do on my desktop deck is… Read more…
Warriors, A Change Would Do You Good
Do you think weapons that kill people make your life better? There are situations where people act out, but killing them will result in damages to you worse than living hell. Most sources are clear on this. Do you think your… Read more…
What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate
I suspect that judiciary courts in the U.S. are trying single members of conspiratorial groups instead of every member of the group, and expecting the rest to behave themselves after a guilty verdict is handed down to the accused. Those… Read more…
Think to Live
Some people seek inner balance in life. Some people seek outer balance. This would be fine, if all people were equal. They are not. People exist as tiers within a place, even in communist totalitarian settings, and some place themselves… Read more…
True Story, Bro
The superior beings unlocked the killer gene in the socially deconstructed immigrant worker, then sent him back to his beloved to wreak havoc. Inhibitions lost, and mental preferences reversed by a viral brain-scanning countermandant sentient AI, he lashed out catastrophically… Read more…
(Point) and Contrapunctus
There is an issue I would like to discuss that many people in the new generation don’t understand (or have never been told about), and that many people old enough to know about have forgotten, or are incapable of properly… Read more…
Salvete, Romani
Ancient Roman soldiers laid a personal bribe of two gold coins on every eyeless corpse’s head, to ensure the keeper of the ferry of the river Stix, Charon, carried their bodies safely accross to the underworld, and to ensure that… Read more…
Frontpage Headlines of the Real Present
“Man Is Eternally Fucked by Lobotomy from Entropic, AI-Controlled Nano Tech Blade from Beyond Enceladeus, Weilded by Sentient, Plant Alien from Another Universe with Varying Laws of Nature in Play” “Credit Card Tip Calculations Mutate And Evolve, Starting Bar Brawl… Read more…
Allahu Azghar
Is Allah really big, containing us, but oblivious to our nature? Is Allah really small, making up our beings with tiny omnipotence? (Macroverses vs. Microverses) Can Allah be seen sensed with human powers of perception? Or is Allah indistinguishable from… Read more…
SI Units Are Not Your Friends Any More
Here’s a messy first-draft of an Exponential Non Transitive Absolute Unit Conversion Algorithm I developed. Steal… Read more…
All Glory to the Hypnotoad
It’s easy to divide a symmetric piece of paper such that the divided sections are equal in area if you draw a line down the exact middle, then draw another line down the exact middle again. That’s called a microcosm, because… Read more…
My suggestion to English speakers, the world over: Stop using “in” as a prefix to mean “non-” and “not”. Stop using “im” as a prefix to mean “non-” and “not”. Stop using “un” as a prefix to mean “non-” and “not”…. Read more…
Watch Your Smart Mouth, Punk
The class of indirect objects assigned to the word “grow” by modern English speakers is overly broad. You can not grow an economy. You can only limit spending. You can not grow forces. You can only train them and hope… Read more…
The Hounds of War
Reelecting Bush and Obama was poor military strategy. In war, you never field exactly the same forces twice in a row if you want to win. You need total awareness of what you will be facing through scouting, and every… Read more…
Individualism vs. Collectivism
When I let my cat out to play in the street, I don’t have panicked fears that he is plotting against humanity. The birds and trees I see don’t fill me overly with a sense of dread when I see… Read more…
Is All Really Fair in Love (and War)?
I suspect that society believes a person has just one chance to get it right in matters of love. Without instruction or practice, we are expected to fall in love and stay in love by instinct alone. If we lose… Read more…
Spankings! Spankings for Everyone!
If a Christian is on the war path, it is a crusade (as we learn about in history books). If a Muslim is on the war path, it is a jihad (as we learn about on cable news). There are… Read more…
When The Dog Finally Catches Its Tail
The subset of humanity dedicated to ensuring humanity does not kill itself off has lost its way in arguments over climate change, asteroids, and other simple-to-navigate issues. In the face of war, oppression, and weapon violence, and environmental exploitation in… Read more…
Quantum Computing Completeness Entaglement
If police crime labs ever use quantum computers to determine who should be taken in, they will always bring in ALL suspects with ALL charges against them, and presume that they are both innocent AND guilty for trial purposes, no… Read more…