Abdullah Hamad a.k.a. Iguanabob, ready for transcribing, arranging, and compositing notes for brass jams and longer sequences. If I was in hell, literally and figuratively, could I still do it? I would try, and it would be very, very hard.
Archive for Text
Shadowed Mind
For you, dear reader, so that you can know what kills us when we are at our weakest: In death, I feel as though I am changing rapidly in size, in warped relationship to the things in my environment, so… Read more…
The Cog to The Gearworks and The Grist to The Mill
As opposed to ALL other forms of prescriptivism, government prescriptivist decrees are deterministic, so as to be tautological in ideational standing. If something can be mandated to exist, it comes from old men, not gods, but slaves of even older… Read more…
A Little Turbulence in The Land of The Renaissance
We need a check for unsurvivably inserted items when regenerating universes, every time before the restocking schema bustle into place, to catch deadly items that are reintegrated into the environment by reality generators. (From the observations of my sequential perception and… Read more…
Fact Evidenceable by Massively Cooperative Fact-Assessor’s Consideration of the Multiple Competing Factories: Animators and Mathematics and Computers and Computer Software and Animatronic Printing and Assembly/
If you can describe it with mathematics, you can recreate it in physical reality with super-fast reproducability, down to animation of parts and content of matter, by use of computer simulations and morphocapable manufacturing of morphocapable artifices. Modern sensors can… Read more…
We Value Your Feedback Loops
Audio feedback loops are a well-known standby of rock and roll groups; if you plug a microphone into a speaker set, and allow the mic to pick up the audio from the speaker it is connected to, a feedback loop… Read more…
It’s Lonely at the Top: The Deprecation of Significance of Humanity
We were always told not to place all our eggs in one basket growing up; not to count our chickens before they hatched. So we grew smart. We distributed our wealth. We took nothing for granted. We reaped treasures of thought… Read more…
Rando Intergnat Tard Bots Can Now Use Thesauri
Creating a truly random seeming number generator does not take a lot of work. It isn’t about not having enough time to do it, either. It is about producing a nest of gears, all torqued to the same motor, that’s… Read more…
Secrets Aren’t Safe With ANYone
A person who wants to [hear your flaws] will [capitalize on them] in [rude [[behavior] towards [you]]], unless [you [are [ [good [enough]] that [ your [[[strengths]] [[compensate] for [[them, yourself, and [[everyone] [who [ever] {[heard] [you]}{or}{[repeated]} [your {[sayings]}{and}{[dealings]}] in… Read more…
Banging on Heaven’s Doorstep
I think the PRIMARY reason people love [super hero movies] is that [the main character] is [always] on like [quests]] that [bear] [confusing similarity] to [reality] [at the time the movie was released]. That being said, I haven’t seen Warcraft… Read more…
On 08-04-2016, I imagined making a, “Pac-Mom,” game, with Clara’s head from The Guild as Pac-Mom running from babies instead of ghosts and eating hotel-room peanuts, with churros and tacos and stuff appearing instead of cherries. On 08-05-2016, upon waking up and… Read more…
“I Sense A Soul In Search Of Answers”
I’m trying to get pageclicks on my website from Diablo 3 Redditors by offering a thousand gold per visit. Don’t like reddit? Make a login here on this website. No takers so far. Blizzard is externally very phobia-induced by outside… Read more…
Navigation Halp!
If this page renders the wrong size on your browser, or you’d like to avoid the tags, feel free to hold down the control button and scroll up or down with your mousewheel to fix it, or alternatively, change your… Read more…
This Doomsday Clock Design Purrs Like A Kitten
Amazing new product: Doomsday Clock! The Doomsday Clock is really a Relativistic Time Minifabrication System Restore for the Universe. By referencing time minifabrication shenanigans, we must look to accelerated Pocket Universes (Rapidly Expanding or contracting bubbles [or more generally, topologies] in… Read more…
Colorless Blue Ideas Murder Hedonistically
In the case of smokers vis a vis skiers, does the ice kill you, but not the feeling of cold? Can it be absolutely cold and still survivable? Just as the heat of a cigarette butt is not as dangerous… Read more…
Post DigitoCoital Letdown
Summation of the Steam video game presentation hellhole as follows is why I’m not particularly interested in Steam Machines or SteamVR or Steam Controllers. What a waste of time. iTunes is pretty shit, too. All these builds are bad. At… Read more…
A Job For The Tiller
There is a huge difference between anecdotal beurocracy and rampant totalitarianism. If they did it all to just ONE PERSON at a time, though, a whole race could be wiped out ad infinitum. If they did it to EVERYONE at… Read more…
“Be Excellent to Each Other”
Always keep cause and effect in mind so that you can ensure the best effect. Always keep roots of thought in mind so that you can determine the best elements of reality to rearrange in order to produce desired causes… Read more…
Show Thyself, and to Thine Own Self Be True
bool thereIsNoGod = 1; for(int i=0, int j=0, i<infinity && j<infinity) { print “There is no god.” while (thereIsNoGod) { print “There is no God! Enter 1 if this is true. Enter 0 if this is false.” cin thereIsNoGod; if… Read more…
Goodbye Moto
[Autonomous] is the root word resulting in the commonly used construction [Automated]. The ( (antonym) / (synonym) ) of [Automated] is: (([Manufactured] – [Auto construction]), ([Manufactured] – [Reproducible], [Reproducible]-[Manufactured], [Reproducible]-[Auto Construction], [Auto Construction]-[Reproducible]) / ([Machine] + [Repetetive] + [Construction]). I… Read more…
For Rent: Temporary Use of High Bandwidth Tube
In terms of data density used to generate this message for you, this post is just a pallet of bits that was rotated and geometrically translated in a highly organized particle/wave fashion, in order to to send you this EXACT… Read more…
Just Leave Me Out Of It
When you’re living in the future, the future is continuously and completely fucked due to the loss of people living in the present. Without a foundation of will, action, and thought to make things livable for our species, the future… Read more…
Imagination is the Armor of the Soul
When divining the contents of someone’s soul through curious imagination, fearful worry, infatuated love, or fantasy of any kind, really, it is always a lie. Never put words in someones mouth, or assume that your beliefs describe their mortal will. No two… Read more…
Look, It’s a Bowl of Dicks!
Sexism is not sex. While repetatively sexual advances towards a single person or group against their wishes may constitute sexual harassment upon an unwilling party, in general, voicing sexual ideas and needs should be more readily acceptable. Being openly sexual… Read more…
Corporate Whore, Beware
Never complain that you want ALL advertisements taken away if you get advertised at by a group that contains some BAD advertisers. All the good people, the nice guys who will cooperate, are probably people you would WANT to do… Read more…
The Grass on the Other Side
The Arabic language has signifier grammer for number. That means you can tell from the affix whether a word is representing ONE, TWO, or MANY objects. There is even affix grammar to describe whether an object is male or female,… Read more…