![King of the Hill](https://www.renaissancemusings.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/King-of-the-Hill.jpg)
Different tiers of atmospheric components settle at different elevations. The empire is filthy as fuck (plagues, industry, waste, capitalism, race slavery, technology). That is to say, if the colony I was in was indeed run by English, British-speaking, and British-cultured people (Brussels?) at one point, although, I suspect we were just taught to despise and hate them by the reigning political culture, and to pretend they controlled us, because their shows were always clever and psychologically unsettling. We were always shown videos of them boiling tea leaves in water. Even the old ones who couldn’t taste anything and just did it for the thrill. Shit rolls downhill, or whichever way the “wind” blows, and tea has a way of soothing all the filth with its vapours, and lifting it skywards.
Breath is cleaner that spit. Spit is cleaner than flesh. Flesh is cleaner than piss. Piss is cleaner than shit. We have these resources available on planet earth in the exact opposite abundances as we would desire to have them.
In other news, the “back” doctor, called a “chiroprachtor”, is someone who purportedly works on spines. It is actually translated as “Drinking from Dripping Rectum”, in my language. When I went to one for a knee injury that put me, “Out of the race”, he stretched out my rectum with help from the ass-ganging proctologists and had me practice walking up stairs. Those mountain people have it eaaaaaaaasy, and chemical warfare is often a sneaky way of shuffling work and labour to a competitor’s front doorstep.✌
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