Archive for January 2019

This Isn’t Funny

Exclamation Point


Everything’s Gonna Be O.K. PSYCHE!

Question Mark

Look at all this confusion! How in the world are people supposed to understand simple statements with a language this full of misconception. I know for a fact that people will simplify their statements before they make an effort to… Read more…

Juggling Work and Life


There are three objects rotating around a center point, sitting a good distance away from three other objects rotating around a different center point. This proof is to calculate exactly the force, velocity, distance, and time necessary to move one… Read more…

Mostly Memories, Maybe Mine

Pink sunset in Bahrain

I don ‘t remember the Cuban missle crisis first-hand. I don’t remember the Cold War. I remember my classmate bringing a gas mask to his kindergarten class because Donald Rumsfeld of CNN fame dropped depleted uranium all over the Iranian… Read more…