Finally, a place where cusp overripe food can shine with it’s softness and sweetness. Starbucks-style graciousness to this ancient feast of dearth we call, “food.”
A seasonal recipe that you should jump on right away.
Probably bad cinnamon zeroing out the overall flavor in this one. Cinnamon usually evaporates flavors if you don’t use it as ground zest. Don’t forget the cloves and molasses if you try it for yourself. I always leave something out of the instruction so that it is only right if I do it, subconsciously, as a preservation of being.
The addition of cocoa to this flavor testing would minimize the stress of having my phone and brains fried by the microwave emmitter the second the time on the microwave ran out:
The cat munching the cheezburgr flawv4 off a Dorito. He likes Drumsticks too. Only ever Licked the ice cream once, but goes after chip seasonings every time. Coy food science, or preference for Dry? You be the judge.
‘Dat backacke, tho’.
Candy caramel can and will make your ice cream a caramel lump oozechowder of deliciously-melting grainy sludge. Caramel flavoring liquid can and will make you barf.
What the cat typically limits himself to, dietarily. This Science Diet stuff lasts forever, ostensibly, but I wouldn’t dare put it in my grille.
Pill culture cannot be ignored in the middle of a medical compound neighborhood. Food quality suffers greatly as a result of hyper-metabolic pills and medications.
Self Service Watermelon Pity:
You say rocky road, I say gimme Golden Graham’s cereal with my marshmallows instead of nuts.
A nice Sahr treat for all those beautiful, ma3mool-loving Muslims.
Reportedly delicious. The zone perfect bar in this video is essentially rice crispies mixed with sugary dying syrup, and then mixed with strawberries and coated in crispy-drying, syrupy sweet yohgurt. Probably some manner of Gorilla Glue in on this one, folks. Scratchwork is key, in good recipes.
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