Amazing new product: Doomsday Clock!
The Doomsday Clock is really a Relativistic Time Minifabrication System Restore for the Universe.
By referencing time minifabrication shenanigans, we must look to accelerated Pocket Universes (Rapidly Expanding or contracting bubbles [or more generally, topologies] in space, with unusual physical properties and laws) as an example. The system restore element comes into play if you are willing to refactor all the elements of a universe based upon preexisting conditions, as an analogue to video game save files, when it has been observed that disaster is imminent.
The time in these fabricated pocket universes may pass faster or slower than our own surroundings’ time due to the principles discovered in the Michelson-Morley Experiment and Einstein’s Special Relativity Gedanken (i.e. gravitational acceleration generates time dilation). That is to say, if the pocket universe is smaller than our own, time passes faster, and if the pocket universe is bigger than our own, time passes slower. This leaves a temporal differentiation between the observer and the observed, whereby all other variables are held constant. As a result, identical results are produced in each universe, but at different rates of time. Ultimately, the system is capable of notifying the observer of their own doom, so as to avoid it. Many worlds. All in union. All in death. All saved.
[…] I think the only cure for this hazolator thing is impenetrable strong body condoms that can expose holes in the hostile haze deposits to access the truth of experience. These clouds can be as big as a Texas thunderstorm. Slim to none chance of survival on getting a roaming micro psychic assembler to stay put. I’m pretty much a roach to this thing and I want to be a pet roach. It is pretty much colored assembilatory QR codes, like from busses and soda wrappers. On the topic of QR and Cola and video game overlap, Coke started putting the barrel loader character from the Chrono Trigger robot factory XABY room, upside down, on their soft drink QR label. A second, and less likely solution that is likely to take a much longer time for mitigation of hazolators is to update the difference engine interactions and difference engine predictions and scans to highest grade levels ( Difference Engine for Space Movement Without Interaction Difference Engine for Prediction Summation A Difference Engine for Prediction Summation B […]