Individualism vs. Collectivism


When I let my cat out to play in the street, I don’t have panicked fears that he is plotting against humanity. The birds and trees I see don’t fill me overly with a sense of dread when I see them gathering in numbers.

Why, then, do so many members of humanity cast fears and doubt upon their fellow man, accusing them of sinister intent?

Most humans need to come to terms with the idea that there are evils in the world greater than other people that could bring about their downfall. Some ideologies can be classified as such, some technologies can be classified as such, some beings can be classified as such, but it is rarely human beings who attempt intentionally to hurt one another, and any indication that such is likely is due more to the fact that humans often live in close proximity to one another than anything else.

When people kick over ant’s nests or go after wasps, these insects do not start attacking one another based on caste, or color, or personality, or shape; they band together to face their common foe, and see their day of shared victory. If only humanity could be so collectivist. United, we kind of sit around and do nothing; divided, we suck balls.

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