Archive for September 2015

Individualism vs. Collectivism


When I let my cat out to play in the street, I don’t have panicked fears that he is plotting against humanity. The birds and trees I see don’t fill me overly with a sense of dread when I see… Read more…

Pop Pik Pak Tik Tik Tak


The Subatomic Link to Harness Quantum Science I call bullshit on quantum entaglement running these things. It’s probably just really fully-mapped-out code running in parallel, minimizing varaiances and minimizing the need for transmission. You don’t need quantum computers to get… Read more…

Is All Really Fair in Love (and War)?


I suspect that society believes a person has just one chance to get it right in matters of love. Without instruction or practice, we are expected to fall in love and stay in love by instinct alone. If we lose… Read more…

Spankings! Spankings for Everyone!

Doctor Strangelove

If a Christian is on the war path, it is a crusade (as we learn about in history books). If a Muslim is on the war path, it is a jihad (as we learn about on cable news). There are… Read more…

When The Dog Finally Catches Its Tail

Heart Earth

The subset of humanity dedicated to ensuring humanity does not kill itself off has lost its way in arguments over climate change, asteroids, and other simple-to-navigate issues. In the face of war, oppression, and weapon violence, and environmental exploitation in… Read more…