Archive for March 2014

I Found A Shady Place to Sit


When talking about how we are doing, more commonly than not, a busily worn out person will report that they are “depressed”. This perpetuates a linguistic indistinction between depression (a lack of overt external pressure, leading to despondence) and oppression… Read more…

Cloudy with a Chance of Apocalypse

Blue Screen of Death

The apocalyptic scenario whereby ALL Cloud Storage files go offline, leaving the majority of the world without data, is called 青色空 (Aoi Sora: Ah-Oh-Ee Soh-Rah) in Japanese, or Blue Sky, in English. Imagine a world without internet, without servers, without… Read more…

Less Pi For Everyone!

Pi Overlayed with Digits

What fractional value of Pi that is not Pi or zero produces the smallest number, in terms of digits used to represent it, when Pi is divided by it? You could try solving the limit of some value x between zero… Read more…

What the Hell Just Happened?

Incoming Alien

In direct contrast to the Anthropic Principle, whereby every perceivable phenomenon is caused for mankind, in a mankind-centered universe, designed specifically so that mankind might conceive of it, I propose the Xenopic Principle: Most phenomenon in the universe are caused by collections… Read more…

Medical-Psychiatric Myth, Bagged and Tagged (Medley)

Quack Doctor

Turn off  Audio Description (AD) on your TV if you get the impression that it is talking to you or following your thoughts or actions. It’s a free and sometimes automatic service for visually impaired viewers that follows their moves… Read more…

Mathematical Collision Detection

Mushroom Cloud

Calculating collisions in a software graphing engine: 1. Each object in your simulation is represented by a matrix overlayed on a three dimensional grid, defining the space it occupies with points. For this example, let us posit that there are two objects… Read more…

All Bad Things Must Come to an End

Supreme Court Justices

Worst mashup in history: 1. Kafka-esque trial, full of self doubt, loss, alienation, and imaged misjudgement by others. No matter the content of the person’s soul, they are judged guilty, even by themself. 2. Kant-ian, binarily-exclusionist-collectivist morality. In other words, take Kant’s theory that… Read more…